Sunday, December 23, 2007

the best christmas pageant ever

the kids had their christmas pageant at church this morning.
they were looking forward to it for weeks.
elias was so proud to have his first speaking part.
he recited 21 verses from mark 2 and
received lots of compliments on how well he read!
(and, yes, i was the mama who realized
moments before the pageant began that
my son had forgotten his script... and what did i do?
without much forethought i tore that page out of an old church bible.
only once he was on stage did i realize just how obvious it was.
we just won't count the number of people who asked me,
"um, did elias tear a page out of the bible?"
to whom i had to answer, "um, no, i did.")
but, micah and eva were quite content with their roles
as a shepherd and an angel,
and mara joy kept calling herself "lamby, lamby".
it then took her several hours to part with the sheep ears.
their favorite part, though, was not the sweet songs or lines...
nope, it was about halfway through the pageant...
the stable collapsed on mary and joseph while
the wise men worshipped,
and they were even happier to find out daddy
caught it on film!
merry christmas everyone :).


Blogger Karen said...

So hilarious! Our pageant this year was pretty funny too. Dana spent most of it, bottom in the air and everyone forgot to put set up baby Jesus. ;)

3:43 AM  

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